Product Maintenance Guidelines

Maintenance instructions are just a manufacturer’s recommendation. These are not guaranteed methods and do not necessarily cover all possible problems arising from the warranty. Warranty does not cover items that are damaged due to misuse or lack of proper maintenance. … Continued

Maintaining Healthy Nails

Keep your nails healthy Keeping healthy nails is essential not only for beauty but also for true portraits of your health. Consider this, it is important to spend some time to take care of your nails and feet. So how … Continued

Love Your Nails!

In today’s generation, many things can be said about a person just by looking at how their nails are kept. This has been made very sensitive both in the feminine and masculine division, so by taking a rough sample of … Continued

Do anti-ageing spa treatments work?

Do anti-aging spa therapies really effective? Prepare for some extreme events! Can not go back in time. Your face and body will age, whether you cover it, or apply it to your skin. However, you can accept your age and … Continued