Creative Ideas For Additions To Your Spa

New spa and wellness trends are happening every day and, if you want to separate yourself from the competition, you need to be aware of what is popular and exciting to your clients. Here we will discuss emerging and popular spa trends which you may want to consider investing in for your spa. 


Cryotherapy which was originally popular with athletes as a way to reduce injury and inflammation has now made its way into some modern spas. When cryotherapy was originally used to treat athletes, it was known as “cold therapy” and generally consisted of baths filled with ice. However, as time and technology progressed, cryotherapy is now done with dry chambers that use nitrogen to create the cold, therapeutic temperatures. Like an ice pack that you might use on your forehead if you bump yourself, the cold temperatures in cryotherapy chambers decrease overall swelling and inflammation in the body by narrowing blood vessels as the body reacts to the cold temperatures. While many claims about cryotherapy chambers are still in scientific dispute, proponents say these chambers can reduce pain and inflammation, improve the immune system, improve the symptoms of eczema and even improve anxiety and depression. Detractors say it is simply a fad without any scientifically proven benefits. However, enough people seem to enjoy or believe in this therapy that it has gotten rather popular quickly. Also, there have been recent university studies which prove that there are benefits to cold controlled cold exposure which cryotherapy does provide.    

Sensory Deprivation Tanks

Sensory deprivation tanks, sometimes called flotation tanks, have existed for a long time, but have come back into popularity recently thanks to social media and podcasts. Now sometimes included in upper scale spas and wellness centers, sensory deprivation tanks are essentially large, enclosed tubs which contain epsom salt infused water that makes the water incredibly buoyant. This means that you will be able to float effortlessly inside of these tanks. The water is kept at body temperature and the intention of the experience, as the name would suggest, is to create relaxation and improved mind states through sensory deprivation. In other words, all outside stimuli such as noise, smells, light, physical discomfort and temperature changes should be effectively eliminated by these tanks. Early scientific studies suggest that there are some benefits to sensory deprivation tanks such as better sleep, decreased pain and decreased stress and anxiety. Therefore, if your spa has the budget, this could be a great addition to the services which you are offering.


If you’re not someone who enjoys the cold and don’t want to involve yourself with cryotherapy, saunas have recently risen again in popularity due to their purported health benefits which are similar to those of cold exposure or cryotherapy such as reduced pain, reduced stress levels, reduced cardiovascular problems and improvement of skin conditions. While gyms and spas have included saunas for a long time, newer, more creative spas are taking their saunas to the next level with some clever additions such as putting their saunas in a room with a good view, interesting lights, plants and music or other forms of entertainment. This way clients have more ways to enjoy themselves as opposed to simply sitting in a hot room and waiting for their time to conclude. It is worth noting that these additions can be added to both “wet” or steam spas and dry (electrically heated or wood-burning spas).

Hot Yoga

To go along with saunas, hot yoga has become popular in recent years and is now available at many spas and wellness centers. Hot yoga, as the name would suggest, consists of performing yoga exercises in rooms of about 105 degrees Fahrenheit and 40% humidity. The idea behind hot yoga is that you will sweat out more toxins and burn more calories during your visit to the spa.


While massages, hair appointments and aromatherapy are still very popular and are indeed the core services in the spa and salon industry, new trends are always arising and should be given proper attention. The last thing you want is for your spa or salon to lose out on customers for your core business because you can’t provide ancillary services which clients in your area are looking for. Although these newer, trendier, ancillary services obviously require investment, the payoff could be retaining or gaining clients for your core business as opposed to losing them to someone who provides everything in one place and appeals to the convenience of the client.