Manicure and Pedicure: Types, Health Benefits and Dangers!

“Manicure is advertising, pedicures are a pleasant surprise!” Cleaning and preserving hands and feet is definitely a dream job for most of us. Beautiful hands and feet will definitely make a great impression on the well-cared appearance. Today, manicure and nail products hold a great importance in the aesthetic world because they enhance the appearance of hands and feet in a great way. However, it is not only about beauty or appearance, but about health; And mani-pedi therapies will definitely help promote the health of your fingers, nails, toes and toenails. So in this article, we will look at the most common methods of nail and nail trimming, their benefits, and about the health risks or the risks associated with treatments. pedicure

Information about manicure:

Manicures usually include a combination of some techniques and treatments and various treatments or techniques from the spa to the spa. In general, manicure may include hand massage, epidermis treatment, exfoliation, dripping, wax treatment and polishing, nail beauty with the application of nail polish. Different spas have different manicure packages and you need to choose a package that contains what you need for your hands and nails. There are also spas offering different manicure packages for men and women. To get the best treatment, you need to inform about the unique qualities of the skin while making an appointment at the spa.

Information about pedicures:

Just like manicure, even pedicures vary from spa to spa. There are lots of spas with separate packages of pedicures and you need to choose the one that suits you. However, in general, pedicures consist of a variety of treatments such as foot refreshing, exfoliation, epidermal treatment, nail clipping and grooming, moisturizing and applying nail polish over the nails. foot. Toenails are uniquely designed to remove dead skin from the feet.

Different types of manicure:

Now, let’s take a look at the types of nail treatments and pedicures.

Manicure and pedicure regular / basic:

The most basic nail care, soothing and soothing the hands and feet by removing dead skin cells and moisturizing the hands and feet with gentle massage on the hands and feet are included. In the nails and toenails often. Manicures usually start with hand soaking with warm soapy water, which soothes and softens dead cells. Your nails are then cleaned, cut and properly filed. Before using a moisturizing moisturizer in your hands, the manicurist will gently rub your hands and eventually nail your nails regularly with a base coat, base coat, top coat or topcoat. Toenails usually start with soaking feet in a warm water bath and then the foot care exfoliant to remove dead skin. Then, your toenails are clipped and properly filed. You also get a short massage on your feet and feet before using the lotion. The toenails were finally polished with nail polish.

Spa Manicure and Pedicure:

Longer attention and treatment than routine nail and nail treatment are nail and pedicure treatments. Although the manicure and pedicure spa includes all the procedures of a regular manicure and pedicure treatment; These advanced mani-pedi spa treatments complement an additional treatment such as paraffin wax treatment or glycolic bleach treatment. A glycolic exfoliation involves the wonders of glycolic acid in a gel or cream to remove dead skin cells from the hands and feet; While treating paraffin wax involves immersing your hands and feet in a warm paraffin wax solution and then in a plastic bag and then in a glove. These special treatments leave the skin feeling hands and feet and appear smooth and clear.

French Manicures and Pedicure Treatments:

French manicures and pedicure treatments are absolutely classic and the kind of pedicure that you want for your best hands, feet and nails. This process is similar to manicure and pedicure. Here, the nail technician or orthopedic specialist applies a white or light white nail polish throughout the entire nail and toenails and followed by nail polish over the nail. You will definitely get a rich look on natural nails with French manicure and nail technician.

American Manicure and Pedicure:

This is a similar type of manicure and treatment similar to manicure and manicure of France. However, in this case the tips are sometimes rounded and painted in white.

Manicure and pedicure:

Again nail and nail treatments are manicure and pedicure. This also includes all the steps and procedures that are included in a regular mani-pedi treatment technique. However, at the end of the Pedicure and Toenail treatment, a pedicure specialist or pedicure specialist puts a hot stone on your arms and legs to help you reduce stress and strain. .

Manicure and pedicure:

Nail therapy and nail clippers Gel is another type of nail treatment and foot care that includes a gel polish to apply on the nail that looks like a regular nail polish. Gel techniques for manicures and pedicures include similar procedures and steps for the treatment of mani-pedi; However, a gel polish or a color gel similar to a nail polish is often used for nail gluing with three coats, ie, a base coat, a top coat, and top or bottom coat. Your nails are exposed to ultraviolet light after applying the nails to dry the gel. This process is called curing and lasts for 30 seconds to 60 seconds. The process of gel removal from the nail can be done at home or in the salon and includes the package of acetone nails with the help of a cotton ball soaked in acetone or protected by a leaf aluminum. This makes the polish easy to loosen and easy to peel off.

Health benefits of manicures and pedicures:

Here are some of the most important health benefits of manicure and pedicure.

Benefits of Manicure & Pedicure Skin Health: Our hands are exposed to dust and dust throughout the day. They accumulate dirt quite easily and also often create new skin cells from old skin. Look at our feet; Walking the whole day can create callers and can also cause many other skin conditions in the legs.

Professional fingernails and nails help exfoliate dead skin cells on the hands and feet, helping to bring more softness and clarity to the hands and feet. Toenails help remove callouses and nail tools in the removal of dirt and dead skin cells. Mani-Pedi hand treatment is therefore a great way to give your hands and feet an attractive and grooming look.

Benefits of pedicure in the cleaning of fungal infections on the nail: Normally the toenail and sometimes the nail is infected with fungus due to overexposure to moisture. Although this fungal infection takes about two weeks to show the symptoms to identify, professional nail and pedicure treatment will alert you about the infection at an early stage. It is a great idea to have mani-pedi treatments at regular intervals to maintain better health of your toes and nails.

Benefits of manicure & pedicure for improving blood flow: Manicure and pedicure treatments include skin cooling along with exfoliation, moisturizing and cuticle removal. This massage from a nail specialist or pedicure specialist helps to relax and also to increase blood flow to your bottom. This in turn can help you ease the pain and help your body deliver heat during the winter months.

Benefits of Manicure & Pedicure for Mental Health: One of the best ways to relax and pamper is to treat your nails and toenails. Perhaps a tense day or a hectic week; Mani-Pedi treatment will leave you with a relaxed mind and completely relieve you from stress and tension. Imagine feeling “feel good” when having gorgeous nails and beautiful hands and feet! So, manicure and pedicure also have benefits for mental health.

Health risks or danger of nails and toenails:

It is true that manicure and pedicure offers the best of beauty and health benefits. However, there are some health or safety risks associated with the treatment of nails and toenails, listed below.

Injury and Nail Infections:

There is a chance of injury with nails and toes. Sometimes your cuticles get too fast and hurt your skin. The most alarming health risk may occur at the nail salon while the nail or toe is the injury that leads to the infection. In the United States, about 75% of salon stores violate state regulations on sterilization. There is a risk of serious infection and health risks in the salon if the appliance is not used properly or aseptically. Hepatitis B and other bacterial and fungal infections can be removed from nail salons when some people come to the salon for treatment. Although there are laws restricting such people to serving in spas or salons, many nail technicians and law enforcement professionals are not obeying the law.

UV Hazard Exposure to Manicure & Pedicure:

Exposure to ultraviolet light in a nail salon while doing nail or pedicure treatments can damage skin cells and can lead to cancer. It is known that people with oily skin are more at risk for exposure to ultraviolet light than those with dark skin.

Health risks in developing nail fungus with nails & toenails:

Nail fungus is passed from one person to another in a nail salon. In case you are experiencing nail treatments or foot care at a salon where the person who has been infected has been served; There are many opportunities you can grow with nail fungus in the event you foot bath in the same foot bath during treatment.

Steps needed to take to avoid the dangers of manicures:

  • Here are some of the most important steps you can take while visiting a nail salon to do nail and toenail surgery to prevent danger or health risks.
  • Make sure you are avoiding the salons without a simple foot bath that does not have easy cleaning engines.
  • Buy your nail equipment and carry them while you visit a nail salon to do nail or pedicure.
  • In case you do not carry your equipment, ask the nail technician to use sterile equipment to keep it safe from infection.
  • Be sure not to shave your legs or hands before visiting the salon for nail or foot walk.
  • Ask your nail specialist and wash your hands carefully before performing mani-pedi treatments for you.

Manicure and pedicure at home:

“The greatest gift you can give yourself is your own attention.” This wonderful quote by Anthony J D’Angelo talks about how you can pay attention or take care of your own body in your own home. Many people prefer nail therapies and foot care at home and avoid going to a salon or spa to avoid the higher costs associated with professional treatments. Although manicure and pedicure can be done at home, it is always recommended to go for a professional mani-pedi treatment performed by a pedicure specialist / for best results. An expert treatment allows you to protect your feet and hands in a better way. Experts know what to look for in cases of infection in the hands, nails, feet and toes. However, in case you want to go for nail and foot care at home, you can buy a salted book so that you have the best knowledge and choice and collect various accessories such as sets mattress, profile, moisturizing cream, manicure and nail polish purchased from local cosmetics stores.