Revolutionize Your Spa Or Salon With K-Beauty

Small and large businesses all over the world are fighting for market share in the continuing K-beauty trend and there is no reason why your salon or spa should be left out of the action. K-beauty or “Korean beauty” trends focus on providing beauty treatments and products which are healthy and free from harsh ingredients.

K-beauty has actually existed for a long time and has recently come back into the mainstream consciousness as a subcategory of the clean beauty trend which is very popular with millennial and gen Z consumers.

Clean beauty, not to be confused with organic beauty, aims to avoid the use of synthetic or organic products which have come to be viewed as harmful such as parabens, aluminum compounds, sodium lauryl sulfate, oxybenzone and talc. K-beauty fits into the clean beauty category because it naturally excludes these harmful ingredients due to the fact that it evolved long before these ingredients were ever being put into beauty products.

So how does one incorporate K-beauty into a spa or salon business? For one thing you can offer treatments that conform with K-beauty standards in whatever your niche service area is. This shouldn’t be difficult because, whether you are providing pedicures, hair salon services, facials or massages, there are soaps, shampoos, creams and oils which are targeted to the K-beauty consumer. These products already include K-beauty approved ingredients and exclude offender ingredients. Simply combine the products targeted to the K-beauty consumer with the services you are already providing and you might have a whole new customer base.

Scrubs, which aim to detoxify and soften the skin, are another staple treatment in K-beauty. So, if you are interested in expanding your services, you can offer some of these foot or body scrubs as add-ons to your current massage or pedicure treatments in order to upsell customers on related services.

K-beauty also includes a lot of sauna treatments since, as mentioned before, detoxification is a big component of their beauty strategy. So, if you are looking to go after the K-beauty market, you may want to consider adding something like this or this to your spa if you want to grab the attention of younger customers. In addition to K-beauty fanatics, sauna treatments such as these are popular with all customers looking to detoxify their skin.

If you are feeling extra ambitious and want to give your pedicure or massage clients an even more authentic K-beauty experience, you might consider doing a little research on some of the more common, traditional K-beauty ingredients such as mung beans, ginseng, rice, green tea and turmeric. Also be sure to research how these ingredients are typically prepared in K-beauty cosmetics and then you can use this knowledge to begin creating your own K-beauty creams and offer them to your spa (or salon clients in the case of hair treatments) as an organic, artisanal alternative to some of the other products on your retail shelves. 

In conclusion, some people claim that Korea has actually passed France and the United States as the go-to place for beauty innovation so it makes sense to borrow a few of the things K-beauty is doing for your own business. In addition to this, K-beauty is popular with younger beauty consumers whose likes and dislikes need to be paid attention to as they are the future of the salon and spa customer base.