Hair problems, for many people, are a common occurrence and there is countless amounts of information on the internet which claims to have the solution but, in reality, is either incorrect or is simply trying to sell you a product. This makes it difficult, if not nearly impossible, to get a straight answer about what will truly solve your hair problems. Because of this, we took it upon ourselves to collect the best and most impartial information available and compile it into one easy to understand article. 


Frizz is a very common hair problem, especially in hot summer weather, and women spend countless hours and dollars trying to rid their hair of this annoying issue. Frizz is caused by hair being attracted to the nearest source of moisture in the air. Therefore, while you can’t change the humidity content of the environment, you can moisturize and condition your hair to the point where it won’t be attracted to further moisture sources in the air and won’t stand on end. Another way to prevent frizz is to make sure you keep a fresh haircut with blunt ends. This will help weigh your hair down whereas split ends will do just the opposite and be prone to frizz. Finally, in order to prevent frizz, make sure to not wash your hair with products that are very drying such as those which contain alcohol and, if you really want to go the extra mile, use cooler water in the shower as hot water can lift the cuticle of your hair which also causes frizz.


There are essentially two different types of split ends. Those which occur at the end of the hair strand and are caused by heat damage or letting too much time go in between haircuts. Then there is a second kind of split end which occurs beneath the top layer of hair and is typically caused by hair which is damaged from styling instruments such as nylon bristle brushes and flat irons. This type of split end tends to make it look like your hair is growing at many different lengths and can also be caused by thyroid or hormonal problems. To prevent split ends, you should practice shampooing gently, conditioning thoroughly and washing your hair with cold water. Additionally, you should make sure that you’re consuming enough healthy fats and proteins in your diet to nourish your hair and eliminate any split ends quickly after they occur; either by cutting them off at home or, better yet, getting regular trims at the salon.


Hair breakage has various causes so the correct course of action to treat your breakage will depend on first determining what is causing your breakage. Damage from over-processing, lifestyle stress, poor diet and hair-stressing activities like swimming, towel-drying your hair or using flat irons can all lead to hair breakage. Therefore, if you are experiencing hair breakage, the first thing you should do is eliminate any activities that could be contributors. If, for one reason or another, you cannot eliminate swimming, be sure to use special shampoos and conditioners formulated for chlorine-damaged hair. Next, ensure that you are getting enough protein, zinc, iron, and folic acid in your diet as these are all nutrients which are very important for hair health. Finally, if these measures don’t work and you are still at a loss for why you are experiencing excessive breakage, check with your medical provider as certain medical conditions like hypothyroidism can leave the hair susceptible to breakage.


Excessive hair shedding can be a very worrisome problem as it can feel like it will all fall out. However, most of the time the issue can be resolved. Unlike breakage, frizz and split ends, excessive hair shedding is more likely to need medical intervention as it has very different causes from other hair issues. Hormonal changes, medications and family history all play a large role in excessive shedding. However, diet, nutrition and stress levels also play a part. Therefore, if you believe that these, more controllable factors, could be playing a role in your hair shedding, improve your diet to include lots of protein and healthy fats and manage your stress levels.


While all hair problems are annoying and stressful, luckily, most are solvable. If you find yourself in a position where you are experiencing any of these hair problems, follow the advice outlined in this article and, if things do not improve, contact your salon or medical provider to find a solution.