What Is Microcurrent Therapy?

Microcurrent therapy is not a new technology but has come back into popularity recently due to a renewed appreciation for its benefits. Microcurrent therapy works the way it sounds; it delivers small, gentle waves of electricity into the skin and facial muscles in order to stimulate   adenosine triphosphate or “ATP”. The stimulation of this ATP then triggers the production of things such as elastin and collagen which, as many of you will already know, is crucial in anti-aging treatments for the face since faces naturally lose collagen and elastin over the years. Many people say that the effect of this therapy is most pronounced in the forehead area where increasing collagen and elastin can smooth the muscles and tighten the skin which helps eliminate lines. Notably though, the treatment can be used all over the face. 

Better Alternative Than Botox?

While both BOTOX and microcurrent therapy treatment treat many of the same cosmetic issues, the two treatments go about this in very different ways. BOTOX uses a weakened form of a toxin that has to be injected into the clients face (usually many times per treatment) to temporarily weaken or paralyze muscles where there are wrinkles being created by repetitive movement. Microcurrent therapy uses non-invasive electric current to “take your face to the gym” as many beauty professionals say. The benefit of this is that there are very few side effects with microcurrent therapy whereas with Botox, many adverse reactions from inflammation and redness to facial drooping can occur. Also, pain at the injection site of a BOTOX injection is a normal occurrence but microcurrent therapy causes no pain and some people even enjoy the slight tingling sensation that microcurrent therapy machines produce. Notably, microcurrent therapy is very safe as it has been used, not only in beauty settings, but also in clinical settings for the treatment of conditions such as Bell’s Palsy.

How To Get Microcurrent Therapy

There are a number of options for those seeking Microcurrent therapy but, the best option is to go and visit a salon professional who has acquired their device from a reputable distributor like Spasalon.us. This way, although it may be slightly more expensive, you know you are getting something for your money. Alternatively, there are cheaper, use-at-home devices but your mileage will vary. Some people have reported good results while others have reported feeling disappointed with underwhelming results. In this case, although you theoretically saved money, you ultimately lost out because the money you did spend did not yield the results you were expecting. Therefore, it is best to consult with a professional in the industry before jumping in blindly.

When Will You See Results

Like many more natural and minimally invasive treatments, the best effects of microcurrent therapy take time to appear. You will not walk out of your first treatment with dramatic results. It may take several repeated sessions until you are happy with the results. This is also because it takes time for your body to react to the microcurrent therapy and create the new collagen and elastin that leads to the results. Remember, microcurrent therapy works by stimulating your body’s own production of these vital substances with gentle electric currents. Therefore, just like building new muscle in the gym, this new tissue will take time to develop

Who Should Avoid Microcurrent Therapy?

While microcurrent therapy is generally extremely safe, there are certain people who would do better off to avoid it. This includes women who are pregnant or nursing, people with pacemakers or other metal implants in their bodies and people with open sores or severe acne. Lastly, although it will not be dangerous to people who have recently received Botox treatments, microcurrent therapy will be ineffective in these people as microcurrent therapy stimulates the small muscles inside of the face and, conversely, BOTOX temporarily paralyzes these same muscles. However, if you do not fit into one of these special groups, microcurrent therapy is likely entirely okay for you and you should speak with your aesthetician about any more questions you may have.

Offering Microcurrent Therapy At Your Salon

If you are a Salon professional yourself, offering microcurrent therapy services at your Salon can be a great way to obtain new business. There are several ways to go about this. While you can offer microcurrent therapy as an isolated service, many Salons offer it as part of a package deal which includes other treatments such as dermabrasion, hydration and exfoliation treatments. Offering these types of packages for between $250 and $500 is normal in high-end parts of popular cities like Los Angeles or New York; while salons in less recognizable areas can still generate good income from these services but they may have to lower their price point a little bit to remain competitive. 


In a time where many people are seeking the aesthetic benefits that typically accompany more invasive treatments with less invasive alternatives, it is no surprise that microcurrent therapy has reappeared to popularity as microcurrent therapy is right in line with this trend.