Nail Care Tips

  • Moisturize your hands: Keep them looking soft and supple at all points of time. You can also use coconut oil for it! The perfect nails need perfectly smooth fingers too. Always carry a hand cream with you.
  • Don’t forget the base coat: Always use the base coat for your fashion nails. They will last longer and make your pretty nails look shinier.
  • Go for UV manicures and pedicures. They can last 15 days without a blemish. And when your nails outgrow the color you can just coat them with your regular same color nail paint at home. Such a perfect solution for permanent, perfect nails.
  • Give your nails some air and let them free: Do not let them be coated all the time with those harsh chemical nail paints. Instead, remove the nail paint with moisturizing nail paint remover to avoid any discoloration.
  • Be gentle: Use soft hand washes instead of those hospital grade hand wash you use. They have the same ingredients and will not weaken the nail extensions.
  • Ask your nail technician: Every hand is different. Consult your nail expert next time you go for your regular manicure and pedicure.
  • Keep your hands and feet clean and dirt free. Live in a dusty area keep a stack of cotton socks and wear them throughout the day. Your manicures and pedicures will last longer.

These are a few hacks that every lazy girl swears by. Follow them and never go without the compliments. Stick to simpler methods, styles, colors and designs. It always lasts longer. No one can go for the French manicure every weekend, isn’t it? Just relax, take it easy, follow these tips and hacks and don’t forget coconut oil. Also, you need your beauty sleep. It will let you feel beautiful and rejuvenated the entire day.