New or used spa chair

We’ll go through an analysis of price, features and performance of the two types mentioned.

Compare prices of used chairs and new

L270-Seashell-GansBoro-368x293Seats Used: L270 Seats Spa jet from: US $ 1,059.00

New Seats nail: Glass Bowl Spa pedicure chairs  jet from

Ranging from US $ 1,800.00 to $ 3,000.00

Analysis Used pedicure chairs – Price, Features and Performance

Seats nail used is obviously cheaper than new pedicure chairs, even if they are high-tech used the chair legs or not. However, the features of the pedicure chairs are used not completely listed on the site, giving shoppers a little opportunity to consider the option of buying their goods. And moreover, there is no information on the warranty, make a purchase at higher risk of getting a bad pedicure chairs used.

Take pedicure chairs used above is an example. Prices of pedicure chairs used is US $ 1,059.00. If you want shipped to your home address , you pay $ 85 more  and you pay an extra $ 15O if you want a drain pump,. If you want a chair pedicurist, you pay $ 65 extra. Add all these charges together, you will have to pay  higher than buy 1 new seat.

Now obviously want to buy a brand new pedicure chairs instead is used. Why? Because the new ones cost less than used pedicure chairs, free shipping, with the same features, and even better.

With pedicure chairs is used, you must select by color limit of the seat. With new pedicure chairs, you are free to choose which colors suit your salon best.

You do not know what may have happened to the pedicure chairs used if you buy them because it has a lot of uses. With new pedicure chairs, all the features are listed, so you have all the information needed to consider your alternatives.

So now, if you are a smart shopper, you can know whether you should use pedicure chairs for your salon or not.