Pedicure Safety Tips

Pedicure Infections 1You want walk away with more than pretty feet. I think you need go to a salon and practices proper hygiene.

You could walk away with an infection due to the use of unsanitary tools and contaminated foot baths if the pedicure salon doesn’t practice proper hygiene.

According research to the American Academy of Dermatology, pedicure health risks include fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot and nail fungus, and bacterial skin infections, a potentially serious antibiotic-resistant staph infection.

1 Before You Go

For starters pedicure instruments and footbaths are typically cleanest at the beginning of the day.

Ask the person you make your appointment with how much time there is between appointments. Pedicure disinfectants require at least 10 minutes to work.

Some other tips before you go:

– Don’t shave your legs. Hair removal can cause cuts or subtle abrasions that you don’t even notice on your feet. These tiny openings in the skin can allow bacteria and fungus to enter.
– Bring your own pedicure tools. Bacteria and fungus can easily move from one person to the next on pedicure utensils that haven’t been properly sterilized. Bringing your own tools will eliminate that risk

2 Before You Remove Your Shoes

If they look dirty, find another place to get a pedicure. Also, check out the bathroom. If the bathrooms are dirty, that’s a clue that the pedicure salon may not have high hygiene standards.

Footbaths should be drained and washed with disinfectant between customers and every night, and pedicure instruments should be soaked in disinfectant between customers.

3 While You Are There

Try not to get too comfortable during your pedicure.

Don’t let the pedicure technician cut your cuticles. Pushing back the cuticle can also damage it, increasing the risk of infection to your feet.
Be sure your feet are smoothed properly. A standard pedicure usually includes removal of dead skin on the feet, but this should be done with a pumice stone or foot file.

4. After You Leave

Be on guard for infections to your feet in the days and weeks following a pedicure. The appearance of a pimple or boil that’s red, swollen, or painful could be a sign of a bacterial staph infection. An itchy foot rash or yellowish toenail could signal a fungal infection.