Why invest in pedicure chairs for kids


Like adults pedicure chairs, there a variety of pedicure chairs for kids. The spa industry is undergoing a transformation that would befit its clients — it’s getting younger.

A study showed the percentage of U.S. spas offering services for children younger than 13 doubled in 2013.So therefore, why do salon Owners should invest in Kids pedicure chairs? We will mention many facts by both salon owners and customers that will show why it is a great investment … But first According to the International SPA Association 2013,:28 percent of U.S. spas offer treatments specifically designed for children under 13; 46 percent offer treatments designed for teenagers. Those numbers have increased over the previous year, when only 12 percent offered children’s treatments and 29 percent had treatments for teens.

The most popular one is the Hello kitty Pedicure chair that most salon owners purchase. Kids love this Affordable  hello kitty pedicure chairs

Furthermore, these facts mentioned by both salon owners and clients explained clearly why it is a great investment: we all know that keeping our customers happy is the key. So the first fact is for parents who have kids to truly enjoy their pampering time away from the chaos from home: they choose a place that also offer pedicure for children so they can be at ease and enjoy their pampering time.  For owner Sarah Campbell, the process of adding kids pedicure chairs is just as enjoyable. “It’s really fun to see the kids, the second fact is to keep the kids happy”  “They get so excited and happy. They feel like grownups in their own salon.

As far as the adults /parents are concerned:  Many adults go to salons to relax or read a magazine,” she noted “They don’t necessarily want children in the salon. That’s why I think a lot of parents look for a place designed for children, so they can be at ease and enjoy their pampering time. In addition, booking services at a child-oriented spa also gives kids the chance to relax but it can be a stress-reliever for parents. Another low cost kids pedicure chair that Salon owners should consider is the: Panda cushion for Kid spa.

Another third valuable fact is the reward points for kids: Parents say they use spa visits as a reward for a child’s good behavior, like getting great grades or breaking bad habits. Khad Brandson, owner of Spoiled Rotten Kids Spa, offers special programs for good behavior. “We have an incentive program set up for honor roll students, back to school, graduations,” Brandson explains. “They come in to get their hair or nails done. We do a free manicure if they get honor roll.”

Teaching children  about grooming, hygiene and taking care of themselves for them is a great fact for customers to teach their kids: Brandson another salon owner’s mission is educational,  : “I was surprised by how many children bite their nails,” she says. “We have incentive programs that work for that. I tell them not to bite their nails for at least two weeks then tell your mom you’re ready to go see Mrs. Brandson

It is important for Brandson to let her young clients know that even at their young age, they should enjoy a little pampering. “I know how I feel when I get a pedicure, a massage or have my nails done,” she says. “I feel like I can conquer the world. I hope we inspire them to feel that way. ”

Another approach or tactic that us as salon owners can used  to help our little clients is the promise of a free manicure ,For example, Testimonial from a customer: “My youngest used to bite her nails all the time,” “The owner said if she’d stop, she’d do her nails next time she came in.” And it worked.

Another important fact is the observation of the girl’s self-esteem:  One Mom says:’ she has also noticed that since she started bringing her girls at Spoiled Rotten Kids, they are less shy than they were in the past. “It’s really helped with their self-esteem,”…

Last but not least: another fact is the business part: Babylon Nail and Spa in Belvedere Square added two child-sized pedicure chairs: one Hello Kitty-themed and one that looks like a cuddly tiger. John Smith, CEO of Babylon, said that after two years of business at Belvedere Square, he realized that many of the women brought their children with them Smith decided that catering to children would be a good business move for the salon, as well. Babylon customer’s Alicia was pleasantly surprised to see the kids pedicure chairs when she stopped in for a pedicure with her 4-year-old daughter Maggie. “She loved it! It was $5 for her to get her toenails polished and she sat in the chair the whole time I was getting my pedicure. She was enthralled by it.”

In conclusion, According to Catherine Leger, a stylist at Salon & Spa Kids believes the popularity of spa treatments/pedicure/manicure geared toward either kids, younger people is in line with many trends. So therefore, she highly recommends business owners to invest in the pedicure chairs for kids.